Our Ministries

Follow God
We are on a mission to follow God, love Jesus and be the light to the world. And it all begins with coming together in worship. Whether in person or online, God’s word comes alive for today’s world through Gospel based sermons, songs, prayers, and communion. Gathering together since 1878, we continue to meet the needs of each generation.
Family Ministry
Love Each Other
Children, Youth, and Family ministry at Trinity is about creating a fun, safe, and loving environment for all. We strive to equip all to love and serve as we imitate God in all we do, knowing we are all God’s children (Ephesians 5:1).
Staffed with wonderful and creative volunteer leaders, each of our groups learn to share God’s love and equip families to do the same. We learn, serve, and laugh…a lot!

Caring Ministry
It takes a village to care for a village.
Stephen Ministers are available for short and long term care needs; Senior Christ Care, visits with our members who don’t get around much anymore.
Worship Music
"Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."
Martin Luther
We have opportunities for musicians of all types! Adult choir meets Wednesdays at 6pm (14 and up); Handbell Choir, meeting times tbd (12 and up); Praise Team (currently seeking a percussionist!) and we’re always looking for special music to add to our worship experience.

311 East 6th Street
Marysville, OH 43040
(937) 642-1616
220 South Walnut Street
Marysville, OH 43040
(937) 642-1726